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Sightseeing in Italy: Venice

A short travel around the world

My name is Maria N. Selina, I am 22 and together with my family I have seen a lot of different places. Among others I have been to Greece, France, England, Turkey, Italy, Dominican Republic, Thailand and Denmark. Right now I stay in Liverpool, a small lovely city with the most beautiful library I have ever seen. Right now I am doing an internship at Hola People! Manchester is nearby but not as beautiful as this little town that easily feels like home.



Murano and it's Beautiful housesI have also been to Italy two or three times, Italy is one of the countries I love the most. With a camper, we went down all the way down to the “shoe” of Italy and the way up again. I have seen Venedig. A city that I liked but it is a very crowded place, nearby you can visit Murano. This a truly amazing place, instead of going to Venedig you should visit Murano, it looks the way you expect Venedig to look like and is not as crowded as Venedig.

I have seen a lot “must see’s” in Italy, but you can read about them anywhere on the internet. I have some places you should definitely see that maybe you did not know About.Pompeji, the city that got fired by the Vesuv - history The first one is quite popular but not as much known as the Colosseum, the place I am talking about is Pompeji. The city got fired by the vesuv, if you are interested in history you should definitely visit this place.

Another tip is Isolabona. If you want to go there, do not take a camper with you, we were driving to such small streets that we were afraid to stick in with the car. Isolabona is building upon a hill, the streets are very tight and you can discover something at any street. You can get the full Italian feeling in here.

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Two years ago I saw Greece for the first time in my life.

I packed my traveller bag and we went by car.Kissamos (Greece) and it's delicious honey Our first stop was Athen, before I went there I imagined like it would be a beautiful city which has amazing cultural objects. It wasn’t a great city to stay at.

We drove further and arrived to Kissamos.

This city was amazing, next to the ocean. Lovely people live there and they offer the tastiest honey and joghurt receipt I ever ate.It has a small museum and a lot of different shops. The ocean is turquoise, the landscape is amazing. It is one place that you should definitely visit in Greece if you want to stay in a place that is not full of tourists.



The first time that I went to England was in 2016. I finished my high school and I wanted to get some new experiences. I decided to make a language course in Paignton, a small town in England.

Paignton (in England) and the beautiful beach This city is a place that I still love very much. Next to the ocean, a fun park nearby. It was a magical experience. I lived in a student accomodation, we had a shared kitchen and met in the living room. I get along with the people very well. At the beginning I stuck in a group of german people who I got to know there. I did not want to travell from Germany to England to hang out with people from Germany. Happily I made friends with a group of chinese girls and a group of arabic boys. Because of that I became new cultural impressions and also I improved my english very well. It has been the first time that I travelled on my own, and the longest time so far that I had been away from home – 1 whole month. The time flew by too quickly, I enjoyed it. When staying together with people every day, one month feels way longer. A language course in a different city is an amazing adventure, that I would wish to do again.

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Dominican Republic

Punta Cana -Dominican Republic beachI think it was in 2013 that me and my family went to the domincan republic, a place that feels like staying in paradise. Clear turquioise oceans and a whole different culture to get in touch with. In the Dominican repblic I saw the first cacao plantage I ever saw. With a bus we went to the plantage. The giude explained us about how coffee gets made and showed us every little step. After that the bus drove to a sugar plantage, It had been a windy day and the plants shake from one side to another. We made a lot of day trips to see the different beaches. I enjoyed the beach very much but I missed the cultural options. There are not a lot of museums to have a look at. It is the perfect place to stay if you love to relax at the beach but if you are an active traveller who wants to see a lot of different things and a lot of cultural objects, this might not be the best choise to stay for a long time.


Thank you for reading, hopefully, this inspires you for your next Adventure.

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