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Blog of Hola People

Language courses online

Online learning is here to stay

Did you know that the word e-learning was coined back in 1998?

A little earlier than that, in 1995, only approximately 4% of US corporations used online learning. In 2017, this had increased to 77%, and 98% planned to incorporate it in their program by 2020 (source: eLearning Industry, Small Business Trends)

Little they know that, when this year came, those intentions would turn into an actual necessity. Now, practically, or they are online, or they are out!

Moreover, the worldwide e-learning market is projected to be worth $325 Billion in 2025, says Forbes magazine.

There are also some other important key findings from this source:

  • In the fall of 2020, around 8.6 million college students in the United States were enrolled solely in online education courses offered by postsecondary institutions.
  • Since 2020, 98% of universities have moved their classes online.
  • In 2021, 75% of US schools planned to operate online.
  • The global e-learning market is anticipated to climb nearly $1 trillion by 2028.

Not in vain, according to SH!FT, e-learning increases learning retention rates by between 25% and 60%. In contrast, retention rates of face-to-face training are much lower: 8% to 10%. Why is that? With e-learning, students have more control over the learning process. For example, if they happen to forget something, they can revisit the material whenever they need to. Or they can retake that online quiz if they failed it the first time around. This takes a lot of the pressure off and allows them to focus on actually learning.

We also suggest you to read:  French Language: Baguette vs Reality

A study by the Open University found that producing and providing e-learning courses consumes 90% less energy and produces 85% fewer CO2 emissions per person than face-to-face training.

Indeed, e-learning has the potential to transform the developing world. While North America and Europe are leaders in online learning, Africa is catching up at an impressive rate. At a time of rapid technological change, e-learning can alleviate world hunger and improve the lives of millions of people worldwide.


Most millennials are digital natives, and have embraced e-learning wholeheartedly.


E-learning in our organisation

And we, Hola People, aim to be part of that evolution. Since 2018 we are offering online Spanish 1-2-1 classes, using Skype, as we knew it would be convenient for some people to be able to stay at home, saving some extra time… or for any other “logistic” reason.

María was one of our teachers in Liverpool, and the students felt very comfortable with her. When she returned to Spain, she wanted to stay connected while making students keep learning. That is how she started online classes, and her number of students is especially increasing more now during these current circumstances.

We then decided to extend that same offer to the English language, with our signature English teacher Peter, and also partner with a Spanish academy in Spain founded in 1979, to offer intensive and semi-intensive Spanish online courses. We know that extended experience assures to keep quality learning for you.

Even our teacher Cosi, who has been delivering social German classes in Liverpool (UK) for years, has now also turned online, meeting her group of students via Skype every Saturday from 5 to 7pm (UK time)

We also suggest you to read:  Top tips on how to get your dream job by building your personal brand. (For Students) by Toni Navarro

On top of that, since last year we are offering a range of personal and professional development online courses through our sister company QLU Project, because it is not only languages what we aim to help people improve.


E-learning, now more than ever, is the future.


See you there… online!


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