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Littlewoods Studio Capital & Centric

Hollywood is Coming to Liverpool

At the beginning of last month, at the Liverpool Business Forum event called Bringing Hollywood to Littlewoods, we at Hola People, had the opportunity to witness the future of Littlewoods in Liverpool. The famous Littlewoods Pools building is being redesigned to welcome a whole industry, something that might benefit the economy of the entire city of Liverpool.

Littlewoods Studios Foodhall Capital & CentricCapital & Centric, a company that takes care of property developing by renovating old spaces to transform them into beautiful living spaces, workspaces or even bars and restaurants, is responsible for this ambitious project. They plan to renovate the whole Littlewoods Complex, to make it into studios that could welcome two big productions at a time. And that thanks to the different stages, a multi-purpose food and drink hub and a 150-feet screening room that can be used by either the productions themselves or students. With a total of 300,000 square feet of space, the complex will be ideal to welcome those working in the cinema industry. And the project already has a promising tenant: the Twickenham Studios, those who welcomed many successful projects including Black Mirror.

Originally, the Littlewoods Building was built in 1938 where the Moores family set the headquarters for their Littlewoods retail and football pools company, the precursor to the National Lottery. Thanks to this, many jobs were created in the area since the pools required a great number of workers. But during World War II, due to the obvious change of mood, the building’s activity was to help in manufacturing war products such as parachutes. And since 2003, the building has stood empty, even facing demolition, that was before Capital & Centric’s regeneration project.

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Littlewoods Pools Building

These future Littlewoods Studios will greatly benefit the city of Liverpool because not only it will bring big productions that will be living and spending when coming for shooting, thus having a positive impact on the city’s economy, but it will also allow to create jobs for the people living nearby. Thanks to its education program, the younger ones will have the opportunity to learn the ropes of the technical side of the cinema industry, and people with certain skill sets will be able to learn how to use their knowledge in the context of studios. For example, an aesthetician would be able to work in make-up effects. These people would obtain a new high-paying job just at their doorstep. Liverpool would become the home of a media content producing hub, that would attract global audience, shedding light on the city once again.

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