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How to extend your visa if you are a student and cannot leave the UK

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted almost everyone’s daily life to an unprecedented degree. All the countries are taking precautions day by day more for all circumstances. Today, we will inform you about a situation in which is students who are unable to leave the UK before their visa expiry date.

On 24th March, The UK Ministry of Interior has announced visa extensions and other arrangements for students affected by travel restrictions.


Students who cannot leave the UK can apply for a visa extension until 31st May.

UKVI has announced that who has a visa which expired or will expire, extends the expiration date between 24th January and 31st May.

Extensions are not automatically issued. Students have to contact the Coronavirus Immigration Team at the Home Office:

  • Phone: 0800 678 1767 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, calls are free of charge)
  • Email: CIH@homeoffice.gov.uk

The email must be in English.

Students have to share the following details:

  • full name (include any middle names)
  • date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • nationality
  • previous visa reference number
  • the reason they can’t go back to their home country (for example flight suspensions, border closure, self-isolation)

Students will be informed when their visas are extended. During this time, students can continue studying online.

Currently, students in the UK are allowed to study from home with their study visas due to the current self-isolation and social distancing rules.


Students who cannot leave before their immigration permits expire are not considered unaccompanied.

On 24th March 2020, the Home Office said that:

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“No individual who is in the UK legally, but whose visa is due to, or has already expired, and who cannot leave because of travel restrictions related to COVID-19, will be regarded as an overstayer, or suffer any detriment in the future”.


Information for students who are wishing to apply for a UK study visa

They must get in touch with TLS contact (for Europe, Africa and parts of the Middle East) or VFS global (for all other countries) for further information on opening and services that are available.


We will be informing you of further updates. Till then, stay safe!


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