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The Most Common Greetings in Spanish

Spanish is a language derived from the Latin alphabet and blended with the Arabic language, taking its present form. Spanish has gained its prevalence, thanks to the population and officially speaking countries, and it is spreading more and more every day.

It is among the languages that should be known by those who seek a job in the education and tourism sector, or Erasmus students in Spain, and even just for fun to meet more people.

Spain has also hosted many civilizations throughout history; with its deep-rooted history, rich culture and friendly people, it will offer you a pleasant learning period.

After this article, you’ll gain some basic communication skills and be ready to create a conversation with native Spanish speakers.


spain madrid

Greetings in Spanish

No matter what language you’re trying to speak, greeting someone is important because this is a simple and respectful way to begin a friendly conversation.

Hola – Hello
Buenas – Hi (informal)
Buenos días – Good morning
Buen día – Good morning (less common, used in Argentina)
Buenas tardes – Good afternoon
Buenas noches – Good evening
Bienvenido – Welcome

You can add more excitement by using upside-down questions and exclamation marks.

¡Hola! – Hi!
¡Buenos días! – Good morning!
¡Bienvenido! – Welcome!

Now it’s time to learn how to say goodbye and end the conversation.

Adiós – Goodbye
Chao – Goodbye
Hasta luego – See you later
Hasta pronto – See you soon
Hasta la vista – See you next time
Hasta mañana – See you tomorrow
Nos vemos – See ya
Buenas noches – Good night
Que tengas un buen día – Have a good day
Que te vaya bien – Have a good day
Cuídate – Take care (informal)
Cuídese – Take care (formal)

We also suggest you to read:  My Erasmus in Palma de Mallorca

How Are You in Spanish

To make the conversation deeper, we can start asking how they are doing. Let’s see additionally how to reply in the event that somebody inquiries you the same thing.

learning spainish

¿Qué tal? – How are you?
¿Cómo estás? – How are you?
¿Cómo está usted? – How are you? (usted is more formal than tú)
¿Cómo te va? – How are you?
¿Cómo te ha ido? – How have you been?
¿Qué pasa? – What’s up?
¿Qué cuentas? – What’s up?
Estoy bien, ¿y tú? – I am fine, and you?
Bien, ¿y usted? – Good, and you? (usted is more formal than tú)

The difference between usted or tú depends on who are you speaking with. For example, if you are sending an e-mail to your boss or co-worker, you need to use “usted”, but you can use “tú” while talking with a friend.

And how to respond to these questions:

Estoy estupendo – I am great.
Estoy muy bien – I am very well.
Estoy así así – I am okay.
Estoy más o menos. – I am so-so.
Estoy regular – I am regular.
Estoy mal – I feel unwell.
Estoy fatal – I am terrible.
Estoy un poco cansado – I am a little tired.
Estoy exhausto – I am exhausted.
Estoy enfermo – I am sick.

Introducing Yourself in Spanish

How can we keep the conversation alive without introducing ourselves or asking people’s names? We can not.

Here you can use the sentences below:

¿Cuál es tu nombre? – What is your name? (informal)
¿Cuál es su nombre? – What is your name? (formal)
¿Cómo te llamas? – What is your name? (informal)
¿Cómo se llama? – What is your name? (formal)
Me llamo… – My name is…
Mi nombre es… – My name is…

We also suggest you to read:  Evolution of the Spanish language throughout History: a fascinating journey of linguistic transformation and expansion

Thank You in Spanish and Other Common Phrases

There are a few other sentences that you simply will utilize a parcel of times when making little conversation with local speakers. These are the shortest and common ones, trust us also easy to remember. You’ll have more fun when you understand these words while watching Spanish series on Netflix. If you don’t know where to start, here is a great list for you.

Gracias – Thank you
Muchas gracias – Thank you very much
De nada – You’re welcome
Perdón – I am sorry
Lo siento – I am sorry
Disculpe – Sorry
Por favor – Please

 – Yes
Claro – Of course
Siempre – Always
A veces – Sometimes
Tal vez – Maybe
No – No
Nunca – Never

Buena suerte – Good luck
Buen viaje – Have a good trip
Buen provecho – Enjoy your meal
Diviértete – Have fun
Salud – Cheers / Bless you (when someone sneezes)
Muy bien – Well done

Felicitaciones – Congratulations
Feliz Cumpleaños – Happy Birthday
Feliz Navidad – Merry Christmas
Feliz Año Nuevo – Happy New Year
Siento interrumpir – I am sorry to interrupt
No se preocupe – Don’t worry
Te amo – I love you
Con mucho amor – With much love

In this article, we’ve seen the most common greetings in Spanish. But languages are hard to learn without practising. Lucky you, we have an online free Spanish-English language exchange every Saturday. So, are you ready to practise what you’ve learned so far and meet new people online? Why are you waiting, book your place now!

We also suggest you to read:  How to extend your visa if you are a student and cannot leave the UK

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