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The need for Spanish to learn English

Speak English

Approximately 375 million people have English as their first language, and today it is the third most spoken, native language.

Currently, it is probably the most important worldwide, both for natives and for those who speak it as a second language. This means that it is the main language spoken by many, and is considered an essential language for communication between cultures.

Why learn English? There are many various reasons.

1. To work, as a widely spoken language, English can help with work opportunities. To find a better job, due to the phenomenon of global crises experienced across the planet, or for Spanish people or other nationalities when going abroad, businesses demand workers have a good level of English. The job opportunities multiply the more fluent you are in the language. Both for government departments and multinational companies, regardless of the field, English always provides advantages when ascending or accessing another job, helping to improve a person’s work situation.


2. Holidays, it is difficult to enjoy a holiday abroad without knowing the language, this may spoil the days of relaxation. For a total immersion, knowing lifestyles and different ways of thinking, are also part of the holiday.


3. Personal growth, the better you speak a foreign language, the prouder you feel when you can communicate with someone from another culture. Remember that this is gained by practicing, the rest will follow. Each time you notice that you understand better, self-confidence also increases.


4. Other skills: according to scientific research, studying English or learning a language, in general, produces certain stimuli in the brain that help us to improve our skills in other areas such as creative problem solving, reasoning, or mental ability.

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5. Education: another important reason is that learning English can bring the person a better education, without being limited to universities or training centers of their own country. In addition, it will give them access to updated and complete information. It will help you grasp the latest developments and access the most scientific, academic, and technological texts written in English or another foreign language.

Among many other reasons… there is no reason why you should not learn or improve your English.

We’re here to help you to improve your English level with our online classes.

English Online Classes

What you just need to do is, CLICK the link to get more information about the course and our awesome English teacher Peter and then contact us. We hope to see you soon!

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