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Top tips on how to get your dream job by building your personal brand. (For Students) by Toni Navarro

Have you ever wondered how would you get your dream job?

You are not alone, as so many people have thought about it at least once in their lives.

I recognise it’s a big goal to have, which I think can be achievable, however, a goal without a plan is just a wish.

So do you have a plan?
If you are looking to find a great opportunity, you need a proper plan.

So, taking into consideration, almost all executive recruiters conduct online research of potential candidates, it explains the importance of having a good online presence which starts by working on your personal branding.

Nowadays, personal branding is a hot topic, however, the majority of students don´t even know what it means.

That’s why I thought I would share a blog post with you some tips on how to improve your personal branding to stand out from the rest of the students.

According to a study by these 2 Spanish companies Adecco and Infoempleo, 86% of the HR professionals would search your name on Google and would have a look at your social media presence before or after having an interview with you.
So, if you want to be at the top of the companies that you would love to work with, you should take this into consideration and improve your profile.

But what´s is personal branding and why is so important for your career.

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is famously quoted as saying,

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

The term “branding” used to be only used for businesses, but nowadays everything and everyone´s become more social and, we can say that we all have a brand that represents us.

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Your personal brand includes the Google search results attached to your name, all of your social media accounts, and your CV. These are key components to landing an interview for your dream job – and thankfully for you, they are easy to improve.

There are a few tips that I would like to share on how to improve your personal brand as a student to attract companies you want to work with:


1- Improve your social media presence: Make it easy for people to find you

Your personal brand includes google search results attached to your name, so you are going to need a website, a blog, and social media presence on platforms like Linkedin or Twitter, where companies can easily find

If you are not interested in writing content, you can start by creating your own profile on Twitter or Linkedin and start sharing content from blogs on your sector or passion.

If you are into photography, for instance, I would suggest you follow your favourite photographers, and share their content on social media platforms that you usually spend time on like: Instagram, Facebook or Linkedin and by doing that you will put yourself in front of them and their audiences, which improves your online presence.

Some steps that you can take to improve on social media include:

  • Create and optimise your Linkedin profile (photo, bio, experience, recommendations, etc.)
  • Use your Facebook and Instagram accounts, not only for personal purposes but also to show your interest in the profession you are interested in.
  • Follow influencers and top professionals in your sector, and then interact with them, to show that you are active and willing to learn and improve.
  • Share questions and thoughts on topics that matter to your profession, so people know you care and start conversations with others, in order to build a powerful network on social media.
  • Try and test, the more you experiment, the more you learn, and most top companies would appreciate your willingness to acquire knowledge.
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passion job work

2- Improve your CV and make it stand out from the rest.

Imagine applying for your dream job, and competing with thousands of other candidates…
The only way to stand out in situations like that is going the extra mile, doing things like creating a video-cv, or a perfect cover letter, as well as having a very well optimised Linkedin profile will help you to be at the front of your competitors.

You can get some ideas for job application videos here https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/job-application-videos/


3- Curate your content on social.

Social media is where the recruiters go first to check you out before they call you for an interview, so you need to curate your social media with content that reflects your unique personality, your interests and your values, including some topics related to your future field employment.

If you are studying psychology, then you should use social media to find some content related to social media platforms or Google, you can use tools like:

  • Reddit
  • Quora
  • Feedly
  • Pocket
  • Google Alerts
  • Digg
  • Nuzzel

Or some paid ones like: semrush, ahrefs or buzzsumo.


4- Content Creation

Get active with content creation, as a student, you can benefit from sharing your thoughts on different mediums: podcasts, medium.com, Instagram, youtube, facebook or your own blog.

Before you start creating content, think of your long-term goals, as that would determine the type of content you have to create.
If you want to be the best social media specialist, you should start sharing ideas on how to create content for social media, and then specialise yourself in one platform.

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I believe that putting yourself out on the Internet will most likely make you a better version of yourself.


5- Build relationships:

A key aspect of personal branding is building key relationships. it’s also about making contacts that will one day land you a job, so make sure that you connect with people that you can learn from them, and remember, as important is to get help from them, then offer yourself to help others, that’s what networking is about. You never know who is going to be hiring you in the future, or connecting you with in the future, so treat people as you want to be treated.

Building your personal brand forces you to think about what you want out of your life, and that is incredibly valuable.
Creating a plan to build your personal brand will benefit your future.

An example of a plan will be:

–  1 article every day on Medium
–  3 posts a week on Linkedin
–  Add 100 connections a week on Linkedin
–  1 blog post a week.
–  1 collaboration a week (podcast, youtube, Instagram, etc..)


More about Antonio Navarro and his job: toninavarro.net/en/

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