What to do at home: Online courses
These days, we stay at home more than usual and try to find activities and ways to improve ourselves. Otherwise how long can you lie down in a bed and literally do nothing? We have to motivate ourselves and accept all these things will pass eventually.
In this period, we’ll try to help you to spend your time efficiently. Hmmm yes, HOW?
With online courses, delicious and cultural foods’ recipes, yoga, meditation, handcrafts… in brief everything you need.
You just need to STAY AT HOME and FOLLOW US, we are all in this together!
Okay, let’s start with online courses:
1- Emotional Intelligence
Unlike other subjects, what we learn about our emotions does not get outdated.
Training directly influences a better working environment and encourages greater individual and collective efficiency.
Due to its nature and, although directed to the working environment, what we learn is applied to our daily life. It produces benefits for people who go beyond job performance, creating the conditions needed for a better quality of life, which promotes a spontaneous interest in participation which, in return, favours learning and obtaining positive results.
Participants are not told what they have to do, but they are given elements and principles to get to know themselves better and achieve an emotional balance.
- To know our own emotions and their effects, our strengths, weaknesses, and possibilities.
- To know the psycho-physical mechanism of emotions and their usefulness in our daily lives.
- To learn about how the brain, the nervous system, and the hormones act when emotions are triggered.
- To discover the five (four at present) practical skills of emotional intelligence (EI).
- To improve our communication through the principles of EI.
- To control and modify our emotions to both increase the psychological well-being and physical health and to harmonise social and affective relationships.
- To learn how to motivate and influence others to develop our leadership capacity.
- To put psycho-physical techniques into easy practise to facilitate emotional balance and the handling of moods.
- To learn about the power of beliefs (our own and those of others).
- To learn principles and techniques for changing emotional habits.
- Cognitive restructuring techniques.
- Develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
2- Emotional Leadership
Emotional intelligence, a term coined by Salovey and Mayer and spread by the psychologist, philosopher, and journalist Daniel Goleman, is the ability to feel, understand, control and modify our own moods and those of others.
It is the ability to recognise our own feelings and the feelings of others and to manage our relationships accordingly.
Emotional intelligence skills:
Intrapersonal skills
- Self-awareness
- Emotional control
- Motivation
Interpersonal skills
- Empathy
- Social skills: communication, assertiveness, leadership, conflict management
3- Effective Communication, Persuasion, and introduction to Neurolinguistic Programming
- To recognise your own effective and ineffective communication patterns.
- To understand the principles of effective communication.
- To see and recognise how communication is affected by perception.
- To deepen and practice techniques of persuasion.
- To know what Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) means.
- To learn some practical examples of how to use NLP.
- Explanation of basic contents
- Group dynamics
- Case simulations
- Interactive games
- Role-Playing
- Observation exercises: sharing
- Perception exercises: sharing
- Reflection exercises: sharing
- Unlike other subjects, what we learn about our personal skills does not get outdated.
- Training directly influences a better working environment and encourages greater individual and collective efficiency.
- Due to its nature and, although directed to the working environment, what we learn is applied to our daily life. It produces benefits for people who go beyond job performance, creating the conditions needed for a better quality of life, which promotes a spontaneous interest in participation which, in return, favours learning and obtaining positive results.
- Participants are not told what they have to do, but they are given elements and principles to get to know themselves better and achieve an emotional balance.
4- Effective Public Presentation
- How to make an impact on your audience using English as a foreign language at international and multicultural conferences and presentations.
- How to use visual aids to maximise the effect.
- How to develop your public speaking style to impress and influence your audience to achieve your expected objective.
- How to deal with questions from the audience.
To understand the specifics of the communication process, performing in a foreign language and in front of an international audience.
To get acquainted with your audience.
To quickly catch the attention and understand the attendees’ roles.
To learn how to keep a good pace and to control the ups and downs.
Techniques for dealing with interruptions and with not getting distracted from your objectives.
To understand and practise active listening and non-verbal communication.
To learn how to leave a good impression and how to stick to your targets.
Easy-to-follow techniques to design a powerful and convincing presentation.
To learn English expressions and their usage as a foreign language to boost the outcome of presentations.
5- Excellence in Public Speaking
General objectives:
To develop and expand communication skills and assimilate the different techniques for effective and persuasive presentations.
Specific objectives:
Module 1: Prepare your presentation
Address any kind of audience with confidence
Module 2: Managing nerves and stress
Overcoming the stress derived from stage fright
Module 3: The importance of voice and image
Effective use of the body and non-verbal language
Module 4: The importance of non-verbal language
Get the desired effect on the audience
Module 5: Interpersonal aspects
Achieve nimble communication
Module 6: Managing the presentation
Prepare the staging
Theoretical content:
The theoretical and practical contents of this training, structured in modules, will follow the next structure:
Module 1: Preparing your presentation
Module 2: Managing nerves and stress
Module 3: The importance of voice and image
Module 4: The importance of non-verbal communication
Module 5: Interpersonal aspects
Module 6: Management of the presentation
Practical contents:
The in-person skill formation, based on the experiential and discovery learning theory, involves the combination of conceptual theoretical presentations with a wide range of practical exercises adapted to such content to be done in pairs, small groups or assemblies, aiming to experience and reinforce these theoretical aspects.
Among the dynamisation techniques that we should highlight due to its result are discussion groups, the method of resolution of case studies, demonstrations, group dynamics, role-playing, staging simulated experiences (with or without recording for further analysis), the application of self-diagnosis questionnaires and the viewing of training videos or film fragments.
6- WordPress Masterclass
With this course, you’ll learn how to create your own WordPress Website from scratch, without having any technical knowledge.
* How to get and configure a domain and hosting service
* How to install a WordPress website (both manually and automatically)
* How to install and use a theme (template)
A look at the WordPress backend.
7- Chakras Applied to Life
What is the origin of the chakra system?
The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas. Knowledge of the chakra system was passed down through an oral tradition by the Indo-European people. The Chakra system was traditionally an Eastern philosophy until Western authors started resonating with the idea and wrote about the chakras, expanding upon the older texts and making the knowledge more accessible.
What is a chakra?
The word is defined as a spinning disk or wheel; a chakra on the human body is a spinning disk or wheel of energy that runs along the spine.
There are 7 ‘main’ chakras along the spine, and they all exist within the subtle body, overlaying the physical body. Through modern physiology, we can see that these seven chakras correspond exactly to the seven main nerve ganglia which emanate from the spinal column.
The health of one’s chakras is directly connected to the health of the physical body, the mind, and the emotional wellbeing of a person, all those aspects of the human being are connected.
- Introduction – the Chakra System
- 1. The Root Chakra [Muladhara]
- 2. The Sacral Chakra [Svadhisthana]
- 3. The Solar Plexus Chakra [Manipura]
- 4. The Heart Chakra [Anahata]
- 5. The Throat Chakra [Vishuddha]
- 6. The Third-Eye Chakra [Ajna]
- 7. The Crown Chakra [Sahasrara]
- Meditations
8- Effective Time Management
Would you like to learn how to prioritise your tasks so that you achieve more and better results?
By managing your time efficiently, you will be able to complete tasks and achieve your goals, automatically developing a greater level of self-confidence and reducing stress. It will help you to spend more time with the people you love and to get the time to practice your favourite hobbies.
As your productivity increases, you will see that the same thing happens with your reputation, resulting in more economic benefits and opportunities.
By using Time Management, you will be able to use these skills in your daily routines and when forecasting events, so that you can enjoy a smoother approach to life.
- To understand the nature of time and its use
- To become aware of the ways in which we usually use it
- To analyse the causes of the mistakes we make
- To provide formulas to remedy mistakes
Choose the course that best adapts to your needs!
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