Why Everyone Should Consider Continuing Education
Your education shouldn’t stop at 16, once you get your dream job, or because you can’t afford it.
Discover why continuing education is for everybody, and financial resources available to make adult learning achievable for you!
A 2019 report from Learning and Work found that 38% of adults have not studied since they left school, and 8% said they could not afford learning courses. Regardless of your age, employment status, or income, continued education is an important part of keeping upskilled for the job market, developing professionally within your current role, and developing personally in your life.
According to the 2019 L&D report, only 60% of companies are confident that they have a sustainable pipeline of talent coming into their organization. By pursuing studies as an adult, you demonstrate to employers that you are dedicated to your own development and that you have a unique set of skills valuable to your current role.
For potential employers, seeing that you’ve pursued further studies of any kind after leaving school will illustrate that your dedication to learning is ongoing. Many companies will offer learning and development opportunities as part of their talent recruitment strategies, but it’s equally as important for you to show that you take your own development seriously by taking ownership of it.
Whether you’re looking to pick up a new language through working abroad, learn the ins and outs of computer software like Excel to develop within your current role, or are simply interested in learning something new – furthering your education will always be to your benefit.
The availability of financial resources, however, can’t be ignored. Not everyone has access to the money to further their own learning, and it is a privilege to be able to further your studies after you leave school.
A platform called Findcourses.co.uk has launched a £500 adult learning bursary for 12 lucky recipients to chosen throughout the next 12 months. Money is always nice, but the rationale behind the bursary hits at an important aspect of adult learning – it should be accessible to everybody.
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