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How to travel to Spain with your pet – requirements

The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment is the body responsible for ensuring immigrants that travel with pets comply with the regulations.

Spain is one of the countries that has the most restrictions in bringing animals into the country. Therefore, the owner must adhere to certain requirements, depending on their country of origin.

If you are emigrating from El Salvador, Venezuela, Colombia, Uruguay or Ecuador then you are not allowed to bring pets that are under 7 months old into the country. However, if you come from the US, Argentina or Chile, then you are allowed to bring pets that are older than 12 weeks/21 days.


There are rules that apply to every country:

  1. Your pet must travel in a cage, either as hand luggage or cargo.
  2. The person travelling must not have responsibility for more than 5 pets. The exception to this rule will only be given if pets are travelling for competition. In this case the owner but have a certificate of proof of the competition.
  3. Domestic animals (dogs, cats and ferrets) cannot be transported for commercial purposes.
  4. The animal may travel separately from the owner as long as they spend no longer than five days apart from each other.
  5. The pet must be identifiable with a microchip, governed by the rules of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The animal will be entered into an electronic system whereby its location can be known throughout the flight.


The body responsible for ensuring that one complies with these rules is The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The main documents of the pet that should be issued by the owner are: a health certificate, immunization record (rabies vaccine especially) and a sanitary export permit. All these documents should be validated in the owner’s country of origin.

The Ministry has also explained that those emigrating with a bird will need to have a vaccination certificate against bird flu. On the other hand, reptile owners will need to have proof of tests against salmonella, with the examination being no longer than five days before the trip.


Rabies vaccination 

A majority of countries demand that animals have a rabies vaccine issued less than 30 days before departure. However, after this period of time The Ministry requires the pet to perform a rabies serological test, in which evidence that the antibodies required to combat the disease are present.



It is extremely important that anyone bringing pets into the country complies with the given regulations. Otherwise, the animal can be held in immigration and eventually deported to the country of origin.


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  3. How to travel to Spain with your pet – requirements


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